JOE Archives
'But we do not have to think that human nature is perfect for us to still believe that the human condition can be perfected. We do not have to live in an idealized world to still reach for those ideals that will make it a better place.' - Obama
Yellow flower in the field |
layout by: eight-fishies very much inspired by: rearrange |
Friday, October 31, 2008
7:20 AM
Zomgy! It's friday O_O 168 - 2 hours are gone! 2 more hours to Sat <3 6:43 AM
6 hours later from my previous post. i slept so soundly & had two dreams :D it's about...some nicenice thing which i kinda forgot. & i was totally going to pon training la. the sun was like a chilli padi with the blue bubble tea sky. HOT, MAN -.- & i sat in the new 970! it's so pretty & woah! & then the 52 was..faster than normal & why do people stare? it's so scary, i was almost going to count the number of people who stared at me, but i kinda decided against it cos i'd be freaked out O_O &...start crying, haha. training, training, training. i can't stop making noise when i train. & therefore, coach thinks i've still got loads of energy. i must learn to shut up /: eriza is trying to steal nic away -.- STOP IT! LOL. i'll bite off your head. i took his car back to serene, okee :D HAHAHAH. we ran & we were tired. we slacked, but we were still tired. we had discounts, but we still weren't satisfied. i'm a very hardworking kid :D haha. & eriza had to rush off after training to watch her 7 o'clock show -.- today's the 3rd last episode! haha. indo girl watching chinese show, not bad, yea? SO I TOOK NICKY'S CAR! (eleesa, my turn to make you jealous) i don't know why, i get scared of old people. nic's parents are super nice people, but they..freak me out O_O we started talking about the super nice angkukueh opposite queenstown! I LOVE THE PEANUT ONE <3(it's> the bus-stop at KAP was scary. i waited an hour for the bus, that's 60min, 360sec, don't ask me how many milliseconds -.- & there were many people. & there was this sad looking guy sitting beside me, carrying a box of tissue paper, wiping his nose. & i was thinking about how i was totally gonna blog about his super nice specs! which were HUGEE. he's not some kinda fashionista, but seriously the oh-i-can't-see-so-i-need-specs kinda person. & these stupid obiang car drives pass (i think it's obiang-er than joash's, LOL.), filled with ugly people, & some guy screams across. 'eyy, your boyfriend very ugly leh!' & all the guys in the backseat start giggling. uhh, very funny meh? -raises right eyebrow, cos i can't raise my left. lol- dude, i mean: 1. he's not my boyfriend. 2. i know i look very old, but he looks older -.- 3. beauty is in the eyes of the beholder 4. the person who scream across is wayy uglier, seriously, pimply-faced one! 5. DIAM CAN? 6. i know i'm damn pretty, but seriously, there's no need to condemn someone cos of that. & there were more people staring at me! really, i'm not the one with the problem, you know, being self-conscious -.- BUT REALLY! PEOPLE STARE & IT'S SO SCARY! THERE WERE MANYMANYMANY PEOPLE! not that many, but manymany. it was the spookiest 961 i ever sat on O_O the lights at the back were spoilt, i presume. & only the silhouettes of people's head could be seen & some faguang, faguang thing which could have been their eyeballs or something, staring at you.... & the 970 took forever! F.O.R.E.V.E.R F. reaking O. R. E. o V. ery E. n-noying lo. R someone tell me i rock in this :D heehawheehawheehaw. & i sat & waited & smiled. & i stood up. & i walked. & i slouched. as i waited -.- BUS SERVICES IN S'PORE! ichiban -.- & when the magic school bus came, I STARTED LAUGHING! i'm afraid people thought i was mad.. & when i boarded the bus, i started smiling & some person laughed at me. & LITTLE KIDS WERE DRESSED IN COSTUMES GOING AROUND TRICK OR TREATING! so fun, so fun :D i really think i've got no childhood ]: & when i alighted, i started laughing again & danced my way home singing :D two things that ya'll should try: 1. singing (really loudly) at the bus-stop late at night when no one's around. 2. dance & sing your way to your house. IT'S FUN, ALRIGHT! oh, there were this 2 girls at the bus-stop -.- read my expression -.- DAMN. it'll be mean if..FALLALALALLALLA. yeaaa, so there were 2 girls at the bus-stop -.- once again, S4 Grad' wasn't the best. BUT I'M SO HAPPY THE BUS FINALLY CAME & DROVEDROVEDROVE ME HOME :D i miss my popiah ]: he'll be back soon. oh, i don't understand why people are getting whiter these days, especially with the increase heat of the chilli padi. they're so baibai pangpang kinda thing! I WANNA BE WHITE TOO [: one more thing, i think i'm gonna have locked-jaw. i talk too much! & my jaws feel funny, especially when i clench my teeth. i sing in the shower, talk to myself, smile unnecessarily, still keep talking to myself. I DON'T WANNA DIE ]: i need to talk to somebody, anybody! TALK! i'm itching to talk to a stranger. ta's! joker, riddler, amuser! Thursday, October 30, 2008
9:49 PM
i'm sweating like a panda (quote, unquote --jy) as in seriously, training hasn't even started & i'm all sticky. & i'm home :D & i'll be going in an hours time, busy moving my ass around the track /: today's S4 Grad' wasn't the best i've seen. & it was hot. no, not that hot -.- HOT! i see myself coming home from training sweating, feeling all satisfied from whatever i did. & that's gonna happen in 6 hours time! i think the computer makes me sweat! so i'm going to sleep! ta's! amusement park. Wednesday, October 29, 2008
5:55 AM
TAG REPLIES! cheryl --> HELLO :D nobody's sad :D i don't see anybody :D i see alot of faces :D haha! boonhowe --> lol, everyday you send me an sms about emo-ness! haha. what's with you now? yunting --> i know you love me laaa!! heehawheehaw [: sulynn --> ants bite all the time, THEY HATE ME -.- damn it. dynamite fields are too ex for me to have a proper suicide, besides..i don't need it to be a blast! HAHAHAHHA. get the punt? LOL. marissa --> nah, edaward's some blood-sucking chikopeh in disguise laa [: YOU NEVER KNOW...hahaha. jaslin --> PICNIC! OMG, I CAN'T WAIT!! i need you to get me a date! & lots of cameras & the paparazzi! & bring tjoeng along too :D IT RHYMES! haha. & yea, i know the skin rocks. IT'S SO WHITE! &..uhh, we're so black /: LOL. eriza --> NO -.- YOU DON'T LOVE NICK. you cannot! he's an angmoh look-alike & you're indo..CANNNOOOT! lol. & if i die, tell sean that he's super cute &&& invite him to my funeral :D eliz --> every evening you tell me you've got something to tell me -.- every morning, you tell me 'OOPS! I KINDA FORGOT!' lol. i'll slap your eyeballs out one day, girlo :D geraldine --> hello t-rex! joeline's fine now, are you? evan --> The Inside Out is coool! EVAN, YOU WERE SUPER CUTE ON COURT & when you got pissed, you..looked super funny! hahaha. yukiko --> it's been a long time since you've arrived..yea? ANTS ARE NICE TO BURY :D &&& you should have told me what you wanted to tell me -.- tianyi --> JOE. i still think it sounds awkward leh! haha :D moomoo --> hello Junior! thanks :D the weasel --> the weasel speaks in riddles or so it seems. BUT JOELINE IS A SUPER STRAIGHT-FORWARD PERSON, SO..she doesn't seem to understand the point you are getting at :D ta's! time is money is me tralala pants 5:10 AM
netball carn' was splendid. nahh, who cares if we didn't win. I LOVE THE PHOTOGRAPHS <3 anissa is great with cameras! & my idea of taking pictures during the game WAS GREAT! cos it made everyone play better & glammer (like me). yea, so that's how we won our last 3 games :D I LOVE PICTURES; glam or not! & i think i drank 4 cups of bubble tea O_O but i played 10 games. so, that should be fine! i guess. training was @ McRitchie (is that how you spell it?) & i had a blister so eriza & i went to..step on ants & bury them in the fitness corner while yukiko was ranting about how mean we were. BUT DUDE, THAT WAS FUN, YO! you stepstepstep, digdigdig a hole, pushpushpush the ant in & covercovercover it with sand. & after we made 3 burial chambers, we opened them again :D one ant couldn't be found & the other 2 were..still alive, SO WE RE-BURIED THEM AGAIN! & then there were the monitor lizards that freaked us out. they were considered small, but..I THOUGHT THEY WERE LIKE CROCODILES/ SNAKES. they got that snake tongues & they walked like crocs O_O & you never know if they decide to run/crawl/walk towards you & eat you up!!! & there were huge ugly flyfly thingies! THEY WERE REALLY UGLY! & they were scary cos they were ugly! really! eriza saw a leave & went ZOMG, WHAT'S THAT? with her big scary eyeballs, thinking that it was some kinda monster animal insect thingy. 'uhh, it's a leave?' 'OHHHH!!!!' seriously, today..was a very unique experince with rachel's animal friends! LOL. & the toilet is very spooky. the tiles are brown & small & they're everywhere. & it's quiet & the mirror is not say WAPIANG! SO SHINY! kinda thing, but shiny ONLY. & it's scary la ]: i had a hard time changing in there, cos..i was scared! LOL. oh, back to netball carn' i wet everyonbe with my hair :D step 1: add water to head step 2: fling your head around & around & around step 3 : wait for screams to be heard step 4: run away! & climbing the pole & attempting to become a pole dancer & taking a picture on the pole is a very hard job. so i can't always suffer alone! DO JOIN ME IN MY UNGLAM SHOTS :D i'm happy that i can go home tmr right after school. IT IS THE ONLY DAY OF MY FIVE SAD DAYS IN SCHOOL YAY! lunch was funny. sleeping was great. eriza, yukiko & me; slept in 102 for an hour. super cold. super shuang. but sad eriza couldn't sleep, so she started taking pictures & woke us all up -.- & after a longlonglonglong time, she slept. & WE WOKE UP LATE :D thinking that we could pon training by saying we missed the bus. but we really accidentally woke up 5min late. & the bus almost left us stranded in school. the hot humid, purple, black, white, green school which has a funny canteen & a almost rotting track ]: i've got a mosquito bite on my..elbow! ITCHY. ta's! it's been a long time since Monday, October 27, 2008
7:59 AM
idon'tknow Sunday, October 26, 2008
8:01 AM
it's so quiet now; why? 'cos you took an hour to decide. why? wasn't sure. what could it be? flew away with what? your final choice, my final decision. what's with you today? thinking; too hard, maybe. why? once again you speak, once again hide. reason? afraid to run wild; secrets? no. 3:37 AM
i'll shut up. i'll shut out. if it doesn't work. 'if's always happen. i'll walk out. i'll walk away. apologies; they're not plain words with no meaning. POVs your POV what 'bout mine? if it pleases you. but no, not me. Friday, October 24, 2008
3:55 AM
sometimes i feel so satisfied just being with myself. sometimes i feel so satisfied just knowing that i'm pushing myself to the limits till i can't take it, but still continue to do so. sometimes i smile, cos everything is seemingly perfect in my eyes. sometimes i enjoy coming home on my own, i'd sing so loud in the bus-stops late at night after training, i'd talk to myself & laugh. sometimes i realise that i've been alone for a tad too long. sometimes i want so badly that i don't speak. sometimes i don't have the courage to speak, but i'd remember that i wasn't born to be a people-pleaser. sometimes i'd stare so hard that everything becomes blur & i'd start seeing images. sometimes i don't know the right answers to give, but so much's expected of me. sometimes i wonder if people feel the same as i do. the morning was harsh as snow balls were pelted at me. was it possible that lightning & thunder appeared & sounded before me even though it was snowing? where was the rain? it wasn't a complete thunderstorm; not just yet. & then it disappeared gradually. there it was, the summer sun, but it was pouring now. i searched for a rainbow; weren't there suppose to be rainbows when the circumstances are so? but none was what i found. it's dark & cloudy now. ta's! honey. smile. Thursday, October 23, 2008
8:02 AM
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fails Neverending, Your glory goes beyond all fame And the cry of my heart Is to bring You praise From the inside out Lord my soul cries out Dear God, Thank You. ta's! Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. - Matthew 7:7 6:13 AM
STAB ME. KILL ME. SLAP ME. SHOOT ME. shut up.can. Wednesday, October 22, 2008
6:41 AM
my legs are so suan for no reason at all! all i did yesterday was stand up & talk! i stepped on shit today -.- my left eyeball has a problem. eriza tried many attempts to make me jealous today 'cos of Nick! i breathed in alot of carbon monoxide today. i called 2 daodao people today, but no..they're not as bad as Sean. i'm currently awaiting an email. i love hurdles <3 (they're scrawny & tall) seriously, my left eyeball is funny today & no, it's not the sulynn-eyelid kinda problem. i can't seem to see clearly & a second later, it's perfect! i thin my brain's been affected. ta's! ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh, ee-ee-eee-eee! Monday, October 20, 2008
6:17 AM
AN ANT BIT ME TODAY -.- & I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING TO THE ANT! IT CRAWLED UP & INTO MY SHOES & GOT STUCK AT THE BACK OF MY FOOT (LIKE IT WAS MY FAULT -.-) & BIT ME! IT WAS A BIG FAT DISGUSTING RED ANT, BIGGER THAN THE SIZE OF MY PINKY'S NAIL! STUPID ANT. anw, s'pore poly is a bad place to train; THE ANTS! & the 7-eleven is..ishan'tstateanadjective. dude, there was only one cup left for the slurpee & i asked if there was another one. 'NO MORE!!' 'then how am i suppose to buy it?' 'no more cannot buy la!' 'can i use th big gulp cup? it's the same size' (puts the two cups together) 'cannot' (shows the blackest face ever) & WE CALL THIS SERVICE. on a lighter note, we ran in the rain/ maomao yu :D for coach's training @ Bishan <3 i can't stand having two training sessions everyday. not fun. really. not fun at all. i know i need to do something, but i don't know what to do. HELP! ta's! WHATEVER. i'm tired & aching. STOP IT LA -.- Sunday, October 19, 2008
2:40 AM
today was really splendid! chanel, eliz, rachel, airiel, jaslin, marissa & i went on an outing to caitlan's church @ adam road. yes, it's @ Trinity Christian Centre, Ignyte service. service was awesome, the songs were nice & all & the sermon was meaningful in the sense that i could relate to it :D was really praying before today that God would touch our hearts & really speak to us & he did! we're planning to come together on the first service of every month to allow the non-believers to be in touch la. & i think it's a brilliant idea, cos we'll go for lunch together after that. the timing & day's reasonable. so there ain't an excuse for ya'll to..not come! RIGHTO! after service @ the red room that wasn't even red, only the ushers were red, we went to..the (whatdo'ucallthat?) youth lounge? yes, i think that's what they call it. & we sat there & talked about the service & introduced ourselves. turns out that the Lester guy's from track too :D but he's a X-er (looks like X-men!). it's cool la, to have trackers around you! FEAR US, THE TRACKERS,FOR WE WILL ALWAYS BE AROUND YOU; EVERYWHERE! HEEHAWHEEHAWHEEHAW. & we talkedtalkedtalked. the card's really pretty, the one that the Lester guy handed to us. mine was with a few chinese words on it, which i still can't decipher it's meaning, & a silhouette of a guy crossing a hurdle & some personal notes written behind it :D IT'S NICE! especially the hurdle! the toilet door slammed in eliz's face & she was stunned for a moment, LOL. eliz's necklace kept dropping -.- with all the other thingys that were hung on it..& she spent hald the time looking for it -.- yes, this is my friend, ELIZABETH! (sadly) after a longlong time of talking, we got chased out in the most polite manner ever. & then..we proceded to Serene for lunch! Macs. where else but Macs. MUDPIES ARE THE BESTEST <3 no, they're not from macs, but Island Creamery. People who don't know here Island Creamery is are sad people }: & eliz bought a scoop of..very berry & splated the whole blob of thing on a piece of tissue paper when she came back to Macs. seriously, she's abit...__________(fill in the blank yourself). haha! & we tried playing the 'honey, will you smile for me?' game, but it didn't exactly work out very well /: & we started talking about our most embarassing moments, but it got boring soon after ]: & then we prayed before chanel had to leave with rachel. & THEN THE NICE PART COMES IN! we attempted to play games, the lamest games ever! the tarzan game, pepsi cola (finger style, LOL), 7up, some egg game, & then the guess no number game! but we needed the penalty ]: so we..can i say borrowed? LOL. we borrowed a left-over drink from Lester's friend, whoever that nice person was & started adding salt, sugar, creamer, the wasabi thingy from the shaker fries, salt, left over itsy-bit of fries, & some other thing. in the first two rounds, eliz & i kenna-ed, & it tasted fine, okayy! just that it looked kinda gross. & then everyone had a turn/ more than a turn in drinking it (EXCEPT CAITLAN! zomg!!!) eliz: 2 joe: 2 jas: 3 airiel: 2 mae: 2 caitlan: NONE -.- omg! at first we wanted to continue playing until caitlan drank it, but..NOOOO, we later decided not to sacrifice ourselves in the process -.- that was after i totally spat everything out! i mean, the saltiness was equal to the sweetness & the ice lemon tea taste was still there! so it's a big nono in my mouth. & poor sad joeline went running to the toilet to spit everything out. EEE-ISH! eliz took pictures of it, as well as pictures of us & will be posting it sooon :D can't wait! & lalala, we all went home, & lived happily ever after! i'd really like to thank the ushers & the..what do'u call them? welcoming group? o_o cos welcomeing newbies are very important & impactful, & i strongly feel that they did a good job la :D & thanks caitlan & your mum! HAHA. SO, OUR NEXT CHURCH OUTING WILL BE ORGANISED SOON! i'll try to :D hope that we'll continue to spreadspreadspread, okee & keep on praying! apparently, my parents & my eldest sister went to Anchorage & met sean's family there. sean has a serious case of daodao. that's a disease that causes people to dao nice people. he is the 'people', i'm the 'nice people', LOL. really enjoyed today :D ALOTALOT! ta's! i called, You answered Saturday, October 18, 2008
6:01 AM
today was a mad day! 11.15 --> tuition & no, i don't like this particular make-up class, but i have to cos i've got other commitments tomorrow. 4 --> church :D today was discussion on previous sermon which was...something about not fighing naked O_O HAHA. & i made an announcement on next week's Youth/ BB Outing. we haven't even planned our Wet Weather Program. hopefully it'll sunny & all :D i thought making the annoucement was fun, cos i was wondering how i sounded & i was looking all around. & i just realised that our youth is really not as pathetic as i initially thought it was! LOL. we played a game! when almost all the guys left, except joshua & bradley. it's the 'honey, will you smile for me?' game. here's how it goes, you'll try to make someone smile in anyway you can, except touching that person; so no physical contact, LOL. & all of us couldn't stop laughing cos it was so retarded!! & bradley was so 'man' at the start, he didn't even laugh at anything! UNTIL JOELINE CAME ALONG. 'bradley' -horny look- 'will you smile for me, pleaseeee?' & he was still sitting there with a blank face until i said, 'I DON'T FRIEND YOU ANYMORE!' & he burst out laughing! LOL. that's supersuper weirdd! & then it was his turn to make me laugh... if i remember correctly, he said, 'honeyyy.....(dragging the 'eyyyy')will you smile for meee?' in this super sweet, gay voice & i started cracking up! cos: 1. i've never exactly heard him speak before. 2. IT WAS SOO NICELY DONE, IN THE PERFECT GAY VOICE! woah. & from then on, he started laughing. now here comes something weider. i was with megan, charmaine & mayann & bradley was at the opposite bus-stop when i shouted across, 'HIII, HONEYYYY!' who cares about who turned around & stared, i was happy, alright :D & he started laughing from the other side of the bus-stop, LOL. I WON AGAIN! heehawheehawheehaw. oh. diane, megan, me, the white guy & his mateys will be meeting this Thursday @ KAP! if they can find it & not get lost :D & i still have to get the whole chalet thingy done & confirm the dates, before the chalets run out! anw, next week's program is going to be really tiring & busy: sunday (tmr)--> outing to caitlan's church monday --> training & training = 2 trainings = school & coach's training tuesday --> coach's training wednesday --> training & training thurdays --> meeting with the church & bb guys friday --> out with ajy & trackers saturday --> youth/ bb outing sunday --> tuition & it's barely 9.30 & i'm tired! very tired & i've got a headache on the left side, you know the drilling kinda pain -.- & i'm craving for dark chocolate! lol, i still remembered sean gave me white chocolate when he had dark chocolate with him :D HAHA. ta's! Sean-Keith [Obama] Sawyer Friday, October 17, 2008
7:29 AM
AHHH, marissa! let's go watch Keith together again :D i swear, it's super nice! 10000000 STARS <3 & we'll bring eliz & curbers with us & we'll sit in the classroom & watch it together. picture-perfect! anywayanyway! i saw jeremy today! yes, the one from church & the guy kept breaking his arms & legs in p6, i think he's called Dan O_O OH! & we saw eugene lee & chen da! super funnyy... & elisa has a funny umbrella. she flung the cover out & didn't even realise it. turns out that she can't be bothered with the price tag at all! we went to Serene for lunch, while the other Players had their training. (WITHOUT ME -.-) I.WANT.TO.WATCH.KEITH.AGAIN. ooh, we were kinda late when we boarded the bus to S'pore Poly. & training was kinda tiring, it gave me headache & it made me feel as if my head was exploding inside-out, MUST BE THE VENUE! lol. & i was sweating like a 'panda' - quote, unquote, jingyen. & the track shirt's so..traslucent! BISHAN TRAINING WAS THE FUNNEST OF FUNNEST! not funniest -.- i bought a 60cents banana cos they didn't sell apples! & we did 200Ms = manymany 200m! & i did it! okee. i'm happy. elisa, as usual, was stressing me out. cos she loves to leave without me! ooh, & it was super retarded. we were half-way working on our 200Ms when all of a sudden... 'SHUT UP LA, YOU!' this girl was shouting across to her partner & we all cracked up for a full, at least, 5 seconds. & elisa was all, SHHHHH! oh, & a group of Saints came running in too! (from a school; St. Something) & they ran round & round the wildberry bush & ran out. i thought it was amusing! so i started laughing! KEITH.KEITH.KEITH.KEITH. oh, & on my way back, i was getting my ass out of the seat & this guy stood in front of my getting-out space & i look at him & started smiling. & he was all O_O I WAS BEING POLITE! JOELINE & POLITE. yes, they click very well, FYI! anw, i got my ass out & started laughing. oh & we got back our marks today, the left overs that weren't gone through yesterday. i passed everything, English Language comprehension. don't ask me how, cos that's what Mr Angullia asked & i started laughing. soo..i'm pretty alright with my other marks la :D what's with me & laughing lately? eliz keeps slapping me -.- JINGYEN, CONTROL YOUR WOMAN! lol. & we're going out this Sunday <3 JJERM & CHW & A woah.. JJERMAWCH! i rock. really. BELIEVE MEE! we got our track pictures back & it's lovely! but i thought the people in PE shirts (includes me -.-), look like they come from a maid agency! maid of honour! i'm just really happy but tired today. i've been waiting for saturday to come! FOR AGES & AGES! I.WANT.KEITH. ta's! my name is sean-keith (obama) sawyer. Thursday, October 16, 2008
4 stars 4:03 AM
i watched Keith. no, it's not a person. it's a movie. & it's super sad. about this guy (Jesse McCartney)who suffers from depression & he goes to this high school & the main character's this girl, who's a perfectionist & all. & when she realises he has depression, she gets all upset & starts trying to help him & all. but i think he died in the end. but i think it's a great show! anw, we received most of our marks back today. pretty average; not the best, but acceptable. the only thing that's bugging me tomorrow is TRAINING. i'm still suffering badly from severe muscle cramps! it's suppose to sound serious & important! like a terminally ill disease or something, but no, it doesn't -.- a watched another movie, but i kinda forgot what i watched... oh, yes! it's Wild Child. it's about this super bimbo blonde teenage girl who goes to some ''nunnery''(all female) school & totally becomes a guai-er person, but still quite..lalalala, haha! it's quite cool; the contrast. today i found out that sulynn has (sadly) contracted a disease. the one eliz had -- the spitting disease! -crowd screams- & either curbers/eliz thinks that some people have the i-kick-cats-&-dogs face. i wonder how that looks la! LOL! okee. eliz/curbers, tell me if this bears a STRIKING resemblance to 'what you had in mind', haha. ta's! ELLO! IT'S 7.30! NO IT'S 8! Monday, October 13, 2008
7:51 AM
listening with two ears, two different songs; that's how i feel right now - confused. 2:20 AM
I'VE BEEN TOO BUSY. too busy for my own good. juggling a truckload of school & a fingerload of church, haha. anw, there'll be Class EXCO + chanel + caitlan + mimi + jaslin + eliz + sulynn meeting this Wed after school @ the pavilion; 45min. really hope ya'll make it, otherwise you'll be missing out on alotalot & you'll have to fill yourself in..yourself! LOL. i just realise this skin doesn't entitle me to have titles, i mean, even if i do, NOOO, YOU CAN'T SEE IT -.- anw, ri's NAME is merging with rjc's NAME. so they are: ri (secondary) & ri (junior college) they're still at the same location & all..abit funny! haha. rgs didn't merge; to protect the 130 years heritage thingy. anw, i'm expecting alot from alot of people, especially those i met today, so..i'd really appreciate it if you guys finish your assigned task on time, which is tomorrow, 3pm! & then we'll start our conferencing, so please make yourself available! & for the same people, check your emails & tagboards, some of you have to do a full-paged report for me :D I FEEL GREAT & MIGHTY ALL OF A SUDDEN! MUAHAHAHHA! okee. really appreciate all this effort put in, yea! & pray for the people, especially hanzhen. if you guys don't know what's going on, call me! YOU KNOW THE NUMBER -horny look- haha! ta's! prayer works miracles! Sunday, October 12, 2008
finito! 5:14 AM
i've finally decided on a blogskin :D & change of song = change of bloskin (soon). hint, hint..jas! one was blue & white, too blend. one was red with the clicky things, too old. one was with a floral print, too flowery! one was with a picture of a girl in different coloured wigs, too not-my-type. one was a drawing with a pretty background, the drawing wasn't to my liking. one was with ligtning bolts as background, too bright -.- & yada-yada went the list. & i totally love my tagboard, it goes with ANY & EVERY skin! today we did..planning. yes, for the youth/ bb outing & the games are abit funny.... & i think there isn't enough time /: but there'll be. haven't planned for the wet weather programs & the grouping. yea, so those 2 are the main things la..with alot (ALOT) of other stuff hanging around. so we'll be meeting up next week @ 2.30pm again! enjoyable. very :D as for the church thingy for our group. the venue's yet to be confirmed & we've gotta finalise everything by this Thursday, the latest. OKEE? okee. OMGY, I CAN'T WAIT FOR OUR PICNIC! yea, but that's like ages later -.- BUT I STILL CAN'T WAIT FOR IT! i should stop talking to myself. but i can't help it! i mean, i talk to myself everyday! cos there's isn't really anybody to talk to about certain stuff & sisters are really nice! but..uhh, very nice la, huh? very nice! LOL. so the weekend's almost dying & i think omgy sounds cool! can't wait for tomorrow, i'm going to schoool. we're gonna hear the principal talk for....3 hours. HA.HA.HEEE.HAW.GULPS.UH.HUH. i get excited easily. omgy, i smell barbecued chicken :D dearest neighbours, good things are meant to be shared [: my dad went out to buy dinner & it's already 7.25pm. i've got a feeling i'll pass my math paper :D that's really great btw!! ta's! H(a).B(a).C(a).N(a).O.F.Si.P.S.Cl Li.Be.Na.Mg.K.Ca.Al He.Ne.Ar 02.10.18 i've still got the 1st twenty, yo! Saturday, October 11, 2008
6:48 AM
i spent the last hour looking for blogskins -.- no, haven't found one. BUZZ OFF! 5:25 AM
'you don't even know how to turn on the lights...' i've been singing this line over & over again right after my sister couldn't turn on the lights. today i learnt that the devil like to condemn us & make us feel condemned & demoralised. yea, & coincidentally, that's exactly how i felt yesterday. so today, i'll be like 'oh, whatever, DEVIL -.- back off!' oh, mann..i was out the whole day! 9.30 --> rise & shine (right, i was still angry cos of the previous night) 11.15- 12.45 --> tuition (it was ZOMG bad, the people there are so WONDER.FUL.) 12.45 - 1.30 -->BORDERS <3 i've set my eyes on a paperchase wallet! i just kinda spoilt mine after i attempted washing it -.- nobody told me that if you turn a wallet inside-out fully, the zip will be spoilt! DAMN -.- i feel dumb. 1.45 --> lunch! 1.45- 3.15--> my mum brought me out to some wulu place to shop for seafood & frozen stuff. VERY WULU! but i bought Florida's Natural sweeets :D yay! 4.20 --> CHURCH! i was late /: LOL. 7.15 --> i reached home! & we had a fantastic seafood dinner & my eldest sis is allergic to prawnz :D PRAWNZ PWNZ ALL! hahhaha. alliteration! so i'm happier today. & i'm really sorry to whoever i kinda piss last night for no reason in particular /: ta's! where were you today? Friday, October 10, 2008
it's spelled: w.i.t.h.i.n 7:28 AM
i see a chicken, quick, SCREAM! you are retarded. stop clapping your hands. do you not know the value of money? what's with all this showing off? i am totally giving up on you. it's not that i don't try, you don't change! it's in that stupid brain of yours. all desperate sluts. don't you even know how to wear your uniform properly? hey, nice uniform yea - liwei (met him at orchard today) i could hear it from your laughter that you were going to screw things up. the whole place's in the mess! why did you all have to go there instead of she coming? what's for lunch? i'm hungry. what do you want? you think you're the only one! what's wrong with you? come on,'s dinner! why aren't you eating? looks like someone's sulking today. what the hell's wrong with her!? must be pms la! stop walking around in retarded circles. do you really think anyone would really care? what the hell's wrong with you!? am i not able to be freed from my chains just for a day? no ear hole!! this machine sucks. will you not leave me alone? are you not capable of doing so? SCRAM. ta's! why? tag replies: 7:18 AM
christina: HELLOOO! eriza: YOU TELL ME HOW LA -.- jaslin: LOL. then you must be overly-black, i guess :D PICNIC! i'm hungry ]: kimberly: hello, my attachment <3 marissa: too bad, papaya! you've gotta be that orange..FERTILE fruit! heehawheehaw. yukiko: every exam you'll be 'dead', but somehow SOMEONE will resurrect again hor -.- HAHA. ajy: very touched indeed :D HAHA. you really dreamt 'bout me! can't stop missing me, i mynameisname: my dearest, one & really should be grateful you said that earlier or i'll be totally 'into' you if you spammed now. dude, thanks's good to seem like a mugger, especially when you aren't. do you suffer from inferiority complex btw? i do pity you, really. jerry berry: CURBERS NICER LOR! eliz: eliz, i need you -.- now. jingwen: lol. a little bit the late hor? haha. i ended my eoys today. but all the best for yours, alrighto! & HELLOOOOO! hahaha :D ta's! myself: i.don't.know. comtemplating life? 7:08 AM
after eoys, i'm gonna be happy & crazy & i'll be free..using the comp, watching tv, shopping, picnics, whatever under the sun! after eoys, i'm freaking annoyed by anything, i'm icky-spicky & i think going out is a waste of time & it's boring. movies make me laugh, but they die after that. doing things to please everyone. i even have to eat to please! before eoys, can't wait for exams to end. everyday it's just, 'prettaye, one more to go!' i'm gonna do it so well, man! before eoys, no, i can't go on. i'm sick of sitting down studying. i need stories to read, screens to watch, scenery of green, i'm sick of it! after-before eoys, i come home everyday being screamed at. i don't seem to be studying, but that does not mean i ain't; people misinterpret. start to feel demoralised, but no..ain't showing nothing! after eoys, maybe if i start doing nice things, i'll be happy like zomg! so i go out, i watch people in screens moving, i use the comp! i am happy that way, leave me! but no, it's back to after-before eoys & i'm demoralised once more, into a deeper staged. no i don't speak, i tolerate. ta's! thank you. Friday, October 03, 2008
tagged! 5:52 AM
CURBERS': Dear Marissa, I don't really know how to tell you this, but I'm selling myself for candy. I think I realized it last year when you put cuffs on me, as you were at the mental hospital and I saw you drive over my boyfriend. I'm sure you're Sly enough to understand that Santa doesn't exist. I'm returning your toe ring to you, but I'll keep your collection of butterflies as a memory.You should also know that I hate your cooking and i will haunt you when i'm incarnated as an eskimo. Go milk a cow, Sulynn. you look at it, you know it! Dear Curbers, I don't really know how to tell you this, but the mafia wants you. i think i realised it last year when you smacked my ass, as you were in your apartment and i saw you hit on the Montreal Canadian's goalie. i'm sure you're emtional enough to understand how awful you are. i'm returning you old New Kids on the Block blanket, but i'll keep the results of that blood-sample as a memory. You should also know that i will try to forget that you broke my heart, and thanks for the cocaine.
Kiss my butt, Joeline 1. What's the colour of your shirt? Blue - Our romance is over Red - Our affair is over White – I'm joining the Convent Black - I dislike your eyelashes Green - Our socks don't match Grey - You're a pervert Yellow - I'm selling myself for candy Pink - Your nostrils are insulting Brown - The mafia wants you No shirt - You're mean Other - I'm in love with your cat 2. Which is your birth month? January - That night you picked your nose February - Last year when you peed your pants March - When your dwarf bit me April - When I tripped on peanut butter May - When I threw up in your sock drawer June - When you put cuffs on me July – When you smacked my ass August - When I saw the purple monkey September - When we skinny dipped in the bathtub October - When I quoted Forest Gump November - When your dog humped my leg December - When I finally changed my underwear 3. Which food do you prefer? Tacos - In your apartment Lasagna- In your car Pasta - Outside of your office Hamburgers - Under the bus Salad – As you were eating Kraft Dinner Chicken - In your closet Kebab - With Jean Chrétien Fish - In a clown suit Sandwiches - At the Elton John concert Pizza - At the mental hospital Hot dog - Under a street light Annat- With George Bush and Stephen Harper 4. What's the colour of your socks? Yellow - Hit on Red - Insult Black - Ignore Blue - Knock out Purple - Pour syrup on White - Carve your initials into Grey - Pull the clothes off Brown - Put whipped cream on Orange - Castrate Pink - Pull the pants off of Barefoot - Sit on Other - Drive over 5. What's the colour of your underwear? Black - My boyfriend White - My father Grey – The Catholic Priest Brown – Your 'My Little Pony' collection Purple - My corned beef hash Red – My knee caps Blue - My salt-beef bucket Yellow - My illegitimate child in Ghana Orange - My Blink 182 cd Pink – The Montreal Canadian’s goalie None – My prized statue of Michael Jackson in the nude Other - The elephant in the corner 6. What do you prefer to watch on TV? Scrubs; Man O.C.; Emotional One Tree Hill; Open Heroes; Frostbitten Lost; High House; Sly Simpsons; Cowardly The news; Scarred Idol; Masochistic Family Guy; Senile Top Model; Middle-class Annat; Ashamed 7. Your mood right now? Happy - How awful you are Sad - How boring you are Bored - That Santa doesn't exist Angry - That your smell makes me vomit Depressed – That we're related Excited - That I may pee my pants Nervous - The middle-east is planning their revenge on you Worried - That your Ford sucks Apathetic - That you need a sex-change Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your earlobes Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men Silly - That there is no solution to you being a dumbkid Other - That your driving sucks 8. What's the colour of your walls in your bedroom? White - Your toe ring Yellow - Your love letters to me Red - Your Elton John poster Black - Your pet rock Blue - The couch cushions Green - The pictures from Vegas Orange - Your false teeth Brown - Your nose hair clippers Grey - Our matching snoopy underwear Purple - Your old New Kids on the Block blanket Pink - The cut toenails Other - Your car 9. The first letter of your first name? A/B - Your photo with the moustache drawn on it C/D - The oil tank from your car E/F - Your neighbour's dog G/H - My virginity I/J - The results of that blood-sample K/L - Your left ear M/N - Your suicide note O/P - My common sense Q/R - Your mom S/T - Your collection of butterflies U/V - Your criminal record W/X – Your glass eye Y/Z - Your credit cards 10. The last letter in your last name? A/B - Told my psychiatrist about the bruises C/D - Never will forget that night E/F - Always wanted to break your legs G/H – Hate your cooking I/J – Mocked you behind your back constantly K/L - Will tell the authorities that you did not steal that whale in the back yard M/N - Told in my confession today about the moose poaching O/P - Was interviewed about the car you stole Q/R - Always will remember the pep talks S/T - Get sick when I think of your feet U/V - Will try to forget that you broke my heart W/X - Haven’t showered in a month Y/Z – Am better off without you 11. What do you prefer to drink? Water- Our friendship is ruined Beer – you should stop picking your nose Soft drink – I'm off to lead a new life as a lemon Soda – I will haunt you when I'm incarnated as an Eskimo Milk - The apartment building is on fire Wine – Thanks for the Cocaine Cider – I have a passionate interest for mice Juice – You ruined my attempts at another world war Mineral water – You should get that embarrassing rash checked Hot chocolate – Your Cucumber-fetishism is weird Whiskey - I love Oprah Winfrey Liquor - I chew on your earlobes while you sleep Other – I'm scratching my ass as you read this 12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation? Thailand – Warm tingly sensations Australia - Best of luck on the sex-change England - Good luck in jail Spain - Go drown yourself China – You make me sick Germany – Please don't hurt me, just dress up as a bunny Japan - Go milk a cow Greece - Your everlasting enemy USA - Greetings to your frog Leonard Egypt – Kiss my butt France – With tears of sadness tigTAGtug: A JY eriza yukiko jy Wednesday, October 01, 2008
i'll walk through this obstacle with God & finish this race of time. 'what is one thing you await upon God for?' i'm rather pleased with myself, although i'm late for my schedule. i managed to wrap-up my history & i'm getting on with chinese, then english. & if there's time today, geog. if not...fri! then saturday & sunday's for chem& & sunday's lit. i don't have time /: yet i do. ta's! better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere |