Sunday, November 28, 2010
5:31 AM
Don't let anyone take this gift away from you. Could anyone ever forget it by not using it? Is it possible?
5:11 AM
Do you know the parable of the prodigal's son? The son who ran away with lots of cash, splurged it all till he was broke & came running back home to his dad knowing his mistake. His dad was so glad & celebrated his son's return.
What if this incident was repeated over & over again? Maybe, a few years later the son made the same mistake again- taking all the cash, spending it & come running back home again? Maybe the second time, his dad would be glad his son 'knew his mistake'. But what if it happens for the third time? & then the fourth & fifth time? Wouldn't daddy be impatient & frustrated by then? But that's just a guess. But how would the dad really feel? What's he going to do about his problematic son? & you'd also be wondering, what on earth is wrong with the son? Has he not learnt his lesson time & time again?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
6:37 AM
Today, I spent time with my swings and I wondered, 'Could someone come play with me?'It's not fun alone.